Silence of Heart Carries You to God

 Child, come and take the breath that carries you to me. As you place yourself before me, know that by this breath we enter into communion before the Rover of the I Am. We share this communion in this new day that you may be filled. 

To let go with the breath is to give to God what is God's for to let go of yourself is to open to what is beyond you.  To let go is to seek that which is beyond you. The outside world has the many ways to let go of yourself. But, my child, all the ways of letting go have to do with the letting go of the noise that keeps the body from letting go and being with God in intimacy.

The many find it too difficult to sit in the silence of letting go for the mind is greater than the will to seek what is beyond. To teach of the path to God we must firstly teach of the need to silence the noise through silence of the heart. Fear of what is beyond the noise keeps the many from seeking the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am.

The many remain in the noise out of fear. Silence, rather than calm, carries fear for the many. The worry is of the noise. We walk to carry calm where there is fear.  

We walk to teach that in the letting go of yourself within the silence of the heart you are carried to God. You must be emptied to be filled. In silence you empty yourself  that you may come to know how precious it is to find yourself in communion with God.