The Exposed Soul Sees Its God

 Child, we are graced this new day to begin anew.  The night has given way to the day and we are of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of love and only love. When you enter this Tabernacle you give yourself up that we may commune. As you enter this Tabernacle the giving up of yourself gains us the graces of the River of the I Am. I welcome you with my heart.

You may enter and leave as you wish for you are of the choice to choose to come here or not. Your yes to me gains you much grace for I fill you with my nurture that carries my heart. 

Today is a day of great renewal for you are being renewed of body and spirit. Your body has begun to hold the truths in a place of understanding and knowing. The truth of your body is showing you the beauty of your seed that is both physically and spiritually within you for it has its place deep within your depths.

As we walk with those placed before us take note of the ways of the body that when opened sees the beauty of God's creation of the body without judgment.

As we walk with those placed before us, take note of the ways the body lets go in order to accept the opening of the Spirit.  We shall witness and watch the movings of the Holy Spirit of the River of the I Am that moves through us to open the body that the soul may be exposed. The exposed soul sees its God.