The Kingdom Places No One Above Another
Good day, my child. Come and let us bask in the Light of the River of the I Am. Come and know my love that holds you in an embrace that is everlasting for God has declared it so by His Covenant with man.
God has graced man with woman. God has graced me to be the mother to all men and women. God's grace shall be known into the Kingdom. The Kingdom is not of the ways of man where one is placed above another.
Jesus is love and only love. He gave Himself up for you and for me. God has graced us with Jesus that we may know the Kingdom.
Janine, my child, the joy you carry comes from the awareness that we are mother and child and my love is real and is because of God's grace.
When you realize that we are mother and child and Jesus and I are mother and child then you come to know Jesus as brother. Brother is Rabbi. Brother is God for Brother is one with God.
As we flow here within the River of the I Am we are one with God for God flows through all of the River of the I Am. God flows through all for all have His seed.
Do you not see, my child, that the River is the Kingdom where all are one and where no one is above another. Love demands that no one be above another. Jesus came to show the world that love places no one above another. Let those with ears to hear, hear.