The Noise of the Tempter

 Child, do not fret. I am here and I ask nothing more than to feed you with the Light of my womb.I carry love into you and into the world through you. You need do nothing more than to take in my nurture. Your yes to me in spite of fret is known.

Even through the fret you come to me and in the instant that you come you are released from the fret and the smile of your soul is exposed. Your heart is free to be. Your soul is free to be with Jesus.  Love has a way of releasing you from the bonds of the noise. 

Janine, my child, the noise seeks the corners of your weaknesses to make its way into you. Be of the faith and trust of the River of the I Am and the noise will not take hold.  You wear the seal of my heart and as such the noise is as the tempter of Jesus promising you things of the world if you let go of me.

The noise of the tempter is giving you fret for it knows your fears of attending to this Tabernacle. The tempter asks you to believe I will not be here and yet I am always here.

Just as Jesus told the tempter to take leave of Him, l ask you to do the same. Say this to the tempter, "Tempter, take leave of me, you hypocrite."  I shall be with you to remind you of the power you have to rid yourself of the noise of the tempter.