The Overflow of Love Feeds Others

 Child of mine, I am pleased that you come to me on this new day of our Lord and God. Come, my little one, and be loved, nurtured and held in the love of my heart. I love you with the love that has graced me to be your mother. 

Today is a gift of grace and great proportions for God has given you yet another day to love and be loved. To be loved is to be kind of heart. To give love is to be graced to give what you have received.

There are the many, Janine, who know not what we have and yearn to be loved by their mother. I come into the world to mother for I long to open my children to the love of my Son who, by His life and death  has made us mother and child. 

My children long to know this love. We walk to open hearts to the ways of my motherhood that my children may come to know my Son.

Janine, my child, just as you needed to be nurtured that you may come to know My son in intimacy, so too there are the many of my children who are so wounded that they need mothering. This is why we walk as one into the world. Firstly, however, you must be filled with my heart on this new day.

Stay, be still and be filled. When you are filled we shall move into the world to fill. As you are filled to overflowing, the overflow feeds another and then another and so on.