The Path of the Epiphanie

Good morning, Janine. It is a beautiful day.  When you attend to this Tabernacle the beauty of the day is seen, tasted, felt and heard. All of your senses are expanded when you attend to your soul. The path of our day shall expose what my children call "The epiphany." 

The way of the epiphany is the way of the path to Jesus for my children use the word epiphany to mean a deep knowing that rises up from the depths of their being. To have awareness that the epiphany rises up from the depths and passes by the mind is to know there is a source deep within. This source may not be known as of Jesus as of yet but it does open the pathway to knowing Jesus in intimacy. 

 I speak to you of the epiphany because it is the door to seeing the world through the eyes of the mystical. It is the wonder of the knowing that surpases the misguidedness of the ego mind. 

I give you view of the beginnings of hearing me. You needed to trust what you were hearing from your depths. You learned to let go of the ego mind and learned of the epiphany that opened your heart and soul to the truth and the Light. 

Stay awake today and let us offer the wisdom of the epiphany to others. We need only give my children permission to listen to the voice of the epiphany.  The Spirit of God does the rest.