The Psychology of the Body

 Child, come and do not shy away out of fear. Fear has no place here. You fear for you have awakened on this new day with fear within your dream. Come and be still and allow me to make your dream known to you. Come and rest and allow me to hold you in the embrace that counters all fears.

My dear child, your yesterday gave you the dream of last night. Your dream gave you the view of fear that attached itself to your wound of being placed in a world of despair as a child. 

As a child, you awoke to a place of great despair for you were placed in a dungeon by those responsible for your care. Yesterday gave you the same view for you were placed in a place never before understood. I make simple the view of this wound that you may see it for what it is. 

Your wound was of the small child within you who suffered much in the face of humiliation by those responsible for your care. You felt this feeling yesterday and it broke open the wound. Your gave it to Jesus in a loud voice for you knew not what it was. 

This is the way of what you call human psychology. It is a wound of the heart.  It is as a wound of the body that has not healed. The pus of the wound grows until it opens the wound. The wound then may be cleaned and a balm of healing placed on it.

Your wound broke open yesterday and the healing light and balm of Jesus has healed it. Walk today in the knowing that a part that was filled with the pus of hurt has been healed.  Walk in the knowing that we walk in the psychology of the body that houses both the physical and mystical.