The War of Self-Hatred

 Good day, my child. You attend to this Tabernacle on this new day. I am pleased at your love for me and for yourself for to attend to your soul is to know you carry the soul handcrafted by God.

Why do my children learn to hold anger at their gift of the body.? When you are of this anger at yourself, you know not the great gift of God who loves and designs in love and only love.

There are the many of my children who see not the beauty of God's creation within themselves for the learning of the generations cast anger and self hate within. The war within does much damage for it sees not God's great love and painstakingly design of each child. 

This war within is within the self that holds a dislike or even anger at the beauty of their own body and being. The generations of passing down this misguidedness must be exposed in order to drain the war within. 

We walk each day to witness to my children. We walk to drain the ways of the war of self hatred.  This drainage exposes the diseased core where the balm of my love and the love of the Holy Spirit heals the misguidedness of self hatred. 

There is not only silliness of self hatred but there is danger from self hatred for it carries war within. War within carries war without as well.  War within breeds anger, hatred and jealousy.  Love of self carries faith, hope and love.  Ponder my words, today, Janine, for you have done much work to expose that war within yourself.