Warm Yourself at this Tabernacle.

 Child, come and warm yourself here within this Tabernacle. Come and let me warm you in all parts that you may feel the love of my heart. Let go that I may take you in the nakedness needed to fill you. 

As you let go, take note of the warmth that flows within you and through you. It is warmth you need. It is warmth that shall show you the way. When you attempt to hold on tightly your body cannot feel the love and warmth that is of my heart. When you let go there is room for you to be filled. When you hold on too tightly your parts become cold and cannot accept the warmth. What you cannot will to happen can be accomplished with Jesus. To let go is to let go of the control and allow God to do what you cannot. 

Watch the blood flow through your body..  Do not give credit to the outside world when it is of your inside world with me and Jesus that brings the warmth in your heart. Your body may be in the cold but your heart is warmed by the River of the I Am. 

Today, Janine, let us walk in the warmth of my heart. Keep your body in the loosened position and not the tightened position that is of fear and you shall feel the warmth that radiates from your heart. By days end we shall review the ways of the warmth of my heart and the heart of Jesus.