You Must Be Fed with Jesus to Feed Others

 Child, come. Be with me and when you are filled we shall walk into the world to love others as we are loved. Come and allow me to fill you for you are in need of filling that we may move into the world to fill.

You cannot give to others what you don't have and when you are hungry and starving there is little to give to others. In both the food of your body and the food of your soul you must be filled that you may share it.

My child, when you are in need of filling, the noise uses this weakness to gain access to you. In weakness the noise gets louder. Take note of the ways of hunger of the mind, spirit and body for all are different and yet the same for all need filling but in different measurements.

The body, mind and spirit operate at different levels but all cause weaknesses that must be renewed in order to give to others what you have received. Your mind must be uncluttered to see the wisdom of the heart and soul and spirit. 

You must be renewed of heart and soul for the mind to give reason to the wisdom of the heart and soul. You must fill the mind with reason and wisdom to walk in wholeness. The body must be fed with both the food of the Earth and the food of the soul. The mind shall follow when the heart, soul and spirit are fed.

The mind is especially susceptible to misguidedness when the heart and soul and spirit are not fed. To walk with me and to give to others is to be fed of body, heart and soul and spirit. Come and be renewed in this wholeness that you may sustain joy, peace, faith and fortitude for all of these feed your walk with me into the world.

Janine, you cannot be of my heart when you do not reach out to my heart to be fed. You cannot walk with Jesus when you are not fed by Jesus. Ponder this message today.