Come and Be Fed with My Nurture

 Janine, my child, I await your attendance to this Tabernacle for I Am your mother who longs to be with you and all of my children in this mothering and nurturing way for this is of my design. Do not shy away from me. Come as often as needed to be filled with my love.

It is as the little child who needs mother many times in the day for the little child knows when it needs to be fed both of the body and the spirit. Just as the little child, Janine, I await to feed you and hold you in love and only love. The key to the nurture of my love and the love of the River of the I Am is to come often when in need to be fed or held and become rested. This is why Jesus reminds you in the inches and moments of each day to come and drink from the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.

Just as you know when you are filled with food from the Earth, so too, you must come to know when you are depleted that you may be fed with the Living Waters of the River fo the I Am.

Today, Janine, I am with you in each inch and moment even when you need not be fed for we walk to gather others in the fullness of your nurture. When you are becoming depleted, come all the more for my nurture is endless. Come and feed on my nurture.