The Intent of Love and Only Love

 Good day, my child. It is a day of our Father and Creator and Savior. Jesus is the River of the I Am for His blood began the River of the I Am that all men may know Eternity. The River flows with the love of all of the yes. The River flows that we may commune in its depths. We are mother and child as guaranteed by God's Covenant.

The River is where we meet, Janine. The River is where I feed you with the all of me for this is the way of motherhood. Without mother your feeding would be just food. With your mother your feeding is nurture and loving intent.

As your mother, I feed you with intent of love and only love. When love is not given with intent of love it is not love. Love of another must carry intent for love of another.  

The little child must be nurtured to grow into intent of love for mother and another. The little child must grow to a time and place where it sees mother as another and not only the nurturer and feeder.

Not all children grow to intent of love for not all have been nurtured in love. The selflessness of mother who has intent of love feeds the soul of her child and not only the body. The mother who has never been mothered cannot mother without the interventions of one who loves without the need to be mothered. 

Ponder these words, Janine, for we walk to mother and nurture in selflessness. To be of selflessness you must be filled that what you receive you can give to another with intent of love. The energy derived from this kind of love gains you much in the ways of the energy of the River of the I Am.  You gain energy and are not deprived of it by giving with the selflessness of the intent to love.