The Light in Your Countenance is of Jesus

 Janine, my child, I call you by name. This new day is of God's Design for us. Our yes has gained us much grace in the ways of God's design for us. We flow into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of God's design.

Joy is ours for we trust in God's plan. There are those who are of the noise that walk and work to take away joy for the noise sees only itself and its want to be above others and therefore above God.

The want to be above others carries the ways of war. The war of the ego mind that makes noise carries jealousy, judgment and the want to be above another whether it be in the gaining of things, the want to "win" where others become their source of losing and the want to be above God.

Jesus knows us in all parts and knows the ways of the noise for He too was tempted. Because of His relationship with His Father He knew to say no. We walk with Jesus and know the tempter for what it is and that is only noise. The noise cannot bind to you when you have the cloak of Jesus. The noise cannot bind itself to you when you carry the joy and peace of  Jesus. This peace is the guiding Light that you may say no to the tempter as well. 

Let us take our joy which comes through your countenance and gather my children to Jesus where joy cannot be contained. This joy in your heart shines the Light of Jesus into the world in all we do that others may have what we have. The Light in your countenance is of Jesus.