The Naked Soul Knows Its God
Child of mine, my joy flows through us for you now taste my pleasure at being with you at this Tabernacle. Our joy brings us deeper into the River of the I Am where the song of songs is being sung and heard and tasted and smelled for all senses are expanded within these depths.
As we commune, take note of the outside world that has both the misguided noise and the beauty of God's creations. Take this moment to see the misguided noise as one that is becoming all the more fragile for you are the more and more aware of the ways of the truth that flows here within the River of the I Am. Take note of the separation between the misguided noise and the stark beauty of God's creations. Take in the beauty of this Tabernacle that carries us to the deeper places within your own being.
Janine, my child, this is the plan for us as designed by God where we see both the beauty of the outside world and the inner world of the Kingdom.
The noise is becoming the less and less for it breaking apart in the truth of your naked soul that is connected to God. Joy that cannot be contained is the fruit of the nakedness of soul for the soul sees the Kingdom and Eternity. The fruit of the noise is angst and fear and war.
We walk to bring Jesus into the hearts of all even when we say not the name of Jesus. We Walk to have God's children become alive of soul and the rest takes care of itself for the naked soul knows it's God. The soul by all of its names given by man is still the soul. Let those with ears to hear, hear