We Walk Within the Living Waters of the River of the I Am
Janine, my child, I am here and as you allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am, take in the expansion of all of your senses. These depths open you to so much more than that which is on the surface of the River of the I Am.
The River flows in the gentleness and quietness of the softness of God's love. God's love never takes away or punishes, God's love awaits your opening to Him. God's love has no end for you are never to be called not His.
You may anger at God and His love is steadfast for He knows anger is of the surface only. God knows your pain for His only Son took that pain and made it His.
I am here with you in these depths and you are known and you are loved beyond measure. I taste your gratitude. God tastes your gratitude. Your yesterday saw you being fretful of the Living Waters that you take in. Fret not, Janine, for you have the choice to choose now and you have chosen the Light. Your awareness of the Light from this day forward shall be seen through the Living Waters that you take in.
I bless that which you take in each day for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am. You ask how it can be so simple and so assuredly a gift from God. I say to you that this gift shall be the reminder that this water has been blessed with God's love.
The Living Waters is the miracle placed in your hands. Allow no man to take away this reminder each day that we walk within the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.