Jesus is the Peace that is Deep Within You

 Janine, my child, come and be held and renewed in the ways of the River of the I Am. Come and know me. Come and feel my love and my heart for I am your mother by God's hand. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am.

Today casts its Light upon us. The Light of Jesus is always with us. The light of day gains us another day to be of God's will where we witness to all that is around us and within us. 

Do not fret for all is being guided by Jesus. There are those inches and moments that may seem chaotic but you must remember it is only noise for noise does its dance in seemingly chaotic ways.

When you step back from the noise you see it for what it is and that is making chaos and demands.  See the noise as it does its silly dance to take you from the peace of Jesus with its demands of self righteousness.  

 When the noise attempts to hold you in its chaos, move away by seeking the calm of the inners of your own heart and soul for there deep within is the calm that counters the chaos. Rather than continue to walk in the chaos, move to the inners of your own depths where peace resides. 

Today, Janine, my child, I shall show you the breath that instantly carries you deep into your heart and soul even in the chaos of the noise where you shall taste the peace of Jesus. Do not purchase the temptations of the noise for they lead to chaos.  Noise loves chaos and it lives in the outside world where it covers over the truth. Jesus is peace that is deep within. To uncover this peace is to know Jesus.