The quietness to Just Be

 Janine, my child, take the breath of letting go and attend to your soul here at this Tabernacle. Your soul is being nurtured and prepared for the day. You need do nothing other than take in the love of my holding and nurture for it shall sustain you as we walk within the world. Take in the quietness to just be. We hold each other in the quietness to just be.

Today is anew with love and only love. I give you view of the places of your yesterday where Jesus showed you the way by speaking from your soul rather than engage in the rationalizations of the noise. When there are no words that rise up from your soul, be of no words. Better to be still when there are no words for the Holy Spirit of Jesus works within the void of no words. You give access to another's soul through the quietness to just be. 

You rush no longer to be of words for you are learning that in the quietness Jesus speaks to the soul of you and the other. In quietness you give the souls a chance to commune. In quietness you may evoke anxiety in another for others may initially fear quietness.

In quietness you give space for another to just be. It is just being that gains access to the soul. Let those with ears to hear, hear.