Worry is of the Noise and Not of God

 Janine, my child, I call you by name for I am your mother who knows you in every place and space. You are mine by God's hand for I am given the name of mother to all. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am by God's hand. Come and be held.

I say to you again, my child, your dreams have come to show you the noise that lurks and attempts to use worry to make you believe that it carries the truth. Your dreams tell of worry that is of the noise.  You asked the noise within your dream why you must carry it when your days are not of worry but of joy.

Why is it that the noise carries worry into your dreams and not into your daily life? I say to you that it is because firstly, Jesus and I walk with  you in the daily walk of the sacred witness that carries much joy. Secondly, the role of the noise in your life is being documented by your dreams and is being written into the Book of lIfe that all may be made clear in God's timing.

Take no heed of the dream that asks you to worry for worry is not of God but of the noise. Trust in my words that the dream is showing the noise that attempts to make worry out of nothingness for worry is its only tool with you. 

Stay a while with me and allow joy to fill you. Stay awhile with me and know that the joy here is taken with you into the world where the noise can only be shown its silliness through your dreams.