You are Designed to Be in Intimacy with Jesus

 Janine, my child, I am your mother who awaits your turning to me. I judge not your choices for I know you are mine and I know your heart that loves me and loves Jesus. Your love is as the beauty of the flowers that live and die by their design. You are designed to love and your intentions are to love and only love.

When you say you err, be slow to blame and to take to heart a perceived error or mistake. Your intentions are to love and only love. You give yourself to Jesus and it is He who makes good all of your intentions. You need not fret for you love with your heart and soul and not with the want to be self righteous. It is by Jesus that the miracles of the inch and moment occur. 

Your heart is humble and you take no credit for all the love that graces us each day. You give to Jesus all credit for the love that emanates from your heart and soul because you give all to Jesus that these miracles may bring those placed before us to their rightful place of their design.

Take no matter to the clangs of the noise that use your learning and shaping to have you think you are not good enough. Jesus makes you good enough. Your design makes you good enough. The River of the I Am flows that all of God's children may come to know that the love of Jesus carries each of us in all we do. Jesus does not take away from you. Jesus carries you and adds to you. The two of you make a whole for you are designed to walk and to be in intimacy with Jesus.