Empty Yourself that you May Meet Jesus

 Janine, my child, it is another day in the beauty of God's love for us. Come and commune with me and with Jesus in the gratitude of what we have. We are mother and child with no matter the ways of the noise.

Today is another day to be within these depths that we may be in the nothingness of love and only love.There is no matter of words here for what we have is far beyond words. In this nothingness we commune with Jesus and all of the yes within the River of the I Am. 

I wish my children to come to me and to have what we have. In this nothingness God greets us. In this nothingness you are touched by God for He is tasted and seen and known in this communing of nothingness.

When you arrive here you are emptied and prepared to enter the nothingness of God's design. You have been unwrapping the noise each day and in becoming empty you see and taste God for he fills the nothingness when the noise is emptied.

To become intimate with Jesus is to empty yourself that Jesus may be heard in the emptiness of your depths. How grateful you are to have found this nothingness.

For these years you have been committed to this Tabernacle and committed to being still. In the stillness the noise must flee. In the stillness you learn to allow the noise to pass by. In this stillness you empty for the noise cannot bear to be still. 

The simple truth is that when you become still of heart the noise is chased away. A stilled heart opens the door to Jesus who fills the nothingness and emptiness that the fleeing noise leaves behind. We walk to teach that the fleeing noise causes the nothingness that opens the door to intimacy between your soul and Jesus. Let those with ears to hear, hear.