I Take Away Your Fear and Panic

 Janine, come and be placed into my heart. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where the noise loses its grip for the noise cannot enter here. The noise is just noise for it cannot harm you. The noise knows your tendencies of the little one within you to make panic when you are at your weakest. 

Janine, the noise today, for you, carries fear and panic that is attached to your childhood fear and panic.  Just be and let go as I take you into my heart where the noise is cast back out into the world.  You can be punished no more. 

The noise causes fear and panic when there is something in your day that causes the little one to become fearful that the same old punishments may happen again. I give peace to the little one within you for she trusts my holding. There is great joy now for the little one is peaceful once again.

Where there was once pain and suffering there is now peace.  Taste the peace of the whole of you again. 

Trust the panic to speak to you that you may come to me all the sooner. The panic belongs to the little one and you can bring peace to the whole when you take her to me. Take note of my promise to cast out the noise when the panic of the little one rises up. Bring yourself to me when there is panic for I am your heavenly mother who takes you out of the noise and into the Light. The noise cannot enter here and loses its control here. 

Sit with me now and let us commune in the joy and peace of the River of the I Am. I taste your trust and your peace. When it is time we shall enter the world armed with love and only love and not the ways of worldly punishments.