The Lesson of the Ears of the Heart

 Janine, my child, come and be of this new day in the awakenness of the River of the I Am. Your day is anew with me and with Jesus and all that is good and peaceful within the River of the I Am. Take in the breath that expands you and holds my heart within the expansion.

How is it that you never tire here within the River of the I Am? My dear child, we are of the great love of Jesus and His Holy Spirit that flows through our communion with the energy of the River of the I Am. Be of this new day. I renew you in the ways of my heart.

Today, Janine, is a day that we walk together to witness to my children, one at a time, that each may taste our love that holds no bindings, controls never and always hears with the ears of the heart. The ears of the heart know Jesus for they hear with the soul. 

The ears of the heart know that to judge or speak in the ways of the self righteous ego is to go against the soft and loving voice of Jesus. The ears of the heart hear with the love and only love of the River of the I Am. It matters not what others call this lesson of the ears of the heart. What is of matter is that the soul is in the opened position where it hears the voice of Jesus. Jesus by any other name is still Jesus. Let those with ears to hear, hear.