This Tabernacle Exists Because of the Lifeblood of Jesus

 Janine, come and breathe the breath that lets go of yourself that you may enter this Tabernacle in the emptiness of your being. To be emptied of yourself is to allow me to fill you.  I take and fill all of your spaces that you may know my heart and my love for you and all of my children.

Take this time and space to be filled. Take this time and space to taste the love that flows through you. Taste the love and only love that flows here. 

Janine, my child, the noise cannot be here. In silliness there are those times you attempt to make sense of the senselessness of the noise. I know you and I know your human worry. I am here and you may enter this Tabernacle at any time of day for in the instant you attend to this Tabernacle worry cannot be for it cannot enter here. As soon as worry attempts to grasp you, come to me for in the instant you come here, you are taken from the noise. 

The learning that rises up in its senselessness can be countered by this Tabernacle for when you place yourself before this Tabernacle the noise flees. Ponder this lesson for you have been given the way to the freedom from the noise. I show you the way of your design which is to be of my heart in all things. Come and be peaceful for the noise of the worry has been countered.  It is by the lifeblood of Jesus that this Tabernacle exists.