We Walk to Give Others what We Have

 Janine, I am here and I am with you. As you attend to this Tabernacle I am with you in this special way for this is the gift of the grace of our design. To be of this space and place is God's design for us. Come and know me. Come and be held in the embrace of the River of the I Am. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am.

Today holds you in the holdings of Jesus and all of the yes for there is a bond between all of the yes. It matters not where you are in the depths of the River. What is of matter is that you have the place and space within you that says yes. This yes that comes from within your very soul joins you to me and to Jesus and to all of the River of the I Am.

With each new day we move deeper into the depths of your own soul where you expand in the ways of Jesusthat is love and only love.

You are with me and I am with you in all things. This Tabernacle is for you. This Tabernacle renews and prepares you for the day.

Your soul seeks me and the calm and wisdom and joy of our communion. No more to fret that I am not here. No more to fret that I will abandon. No more fear that you do wrong for your heart is in its rightful place with me and with Jesus and with all of the River of the I Am.

Your ancestors of the yes walk with us for they are one with us within the River of the I Am. Let us commune in this special way and when your soul is filled we shall move into the world to give what we have received within this communion.