Giving Up the Old Clothes

 Janine, my child, come and know me, your mother, who judges you not and who loves you with a love that is beyond human understanding.  Come and let us take in the music that is of your soul.

Take heart, my child. Take in my love and allow me to counter the noise as we flow deep into the depths of the River of the I Am. Allow the tears to flow as we hold each other in the embrace of love and only love. Your tears wash away the old as the new takes its place. Your dream of last night showed you the white of purity that is around you. It leaves you walking seemingly alone with no place to call yours. 

Janine, the dream has left you confused. I make simple what seems complicated. Your dream showed you the walk of one who is moving from one place to another and in the purity of the white (Jesus) what makes little sense in the outside world makes all the sense in the mystical world. 

You were with those of the old ways of your walk and you entered the ways of the walk with me and with Jesus where the white reigns. There were no clothes to call yours and those presented to you were being sold to you as goods that are of the temptations of the noise. You did not purchase the goods of the noise for you could see through the temptations. 

Take heart and trust that Jesus is making white and pure that which had been muddied by the noise. Your dream showed you your relationship with Jesus where there is no need for the clothes of the old and the temptations of the old are dying.  You are putting on the new clothes of Jesus who walks in close relationship  with you and not in the controlling ways of your old learning.