Jesus Builds and Never Destroys

 Janine, my child, it is I your mother and I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where Jesus abides. Conform yourself not to the ways of the rules of the noise. Give to Jesus your heart and you shall see love overtake all noise.

Noise cannot bear the sign of Jesus. Noise cannot bear to be in the presence of the truth for it shutters at the truth that lay hidden within the heart and soul of each child. 

We walk in relationship with others in love and only love no matter the noise that enters the relationship. Noice loves to place itself in the relationship to cast doubt upon the truths of the River of the I Am.

The truths are that Jesus is and always will be able to cast out the noise with love and only love. The truth is that Jesus comes to be in relationship with you and all of God's children. The truth is that you walk with Jesus and me in all things. The truth is that you shall always be of my heart and the heart of Jesus for your yes has made it so.

The noise would have you believe you make grave errors and in so doing Jesus and I take leave of you. My dearest, Janine, there is nothing you can do to make us take leave of you. There are those times the noise asks you to believe its mantra, but I say to you Jesus and I are always with you and carry love into you and through you and then into the world.

On this new day, take care to watch and take note of the intent to be of love and only love and what you call a mistake or sin is rather a way for Jesus to show you the better way.  Just as you punish not your child for learning, so too Jesus does not cause punishment for learning a better way. Jesus builds and never destroys for destruction is of the noise. Let those with ears to hear, hear.