The Connection to Bernadette

 Janine, my child, you are mine and I come to hold you and feed you with the nurture of my heart. As we go deeper into my heart within the depths of the River of the I Am, know that you are being held by the Lifeblood of Jesus who holds us and loves with a love that is beyond understanding.

To love as Jesus loves is to give up all that all of  God's children may gain the graces of mercy and Eternity. You saw the picture of Bernadette yesterday and connected with her spirit here within the River  of the I Am. I have called you of the order of Bernadette and I am pleased that you searched her out. 

There are the many generations between you and Bernadette and yet you are connected. By the grace of Jesus you are connected. God's love moves through the generations and by God's hand you are connected to those whom you knew not in life. How can this be, Janine? 

All is done in the timing of Jesus where no time separates. All is done by the life and death of Jesus where Eternity has no time constraints. Let your heart take in the connection to Bernadette today and you shall see God's graces that connect you to her. It is the yes and the attention to your soul that connects you to her.  Let those with ears to hear, hear.