The Ghosts of the Old Await the New

 My dearest, Janine, I call you by name for I am your mother who loves you and holds you in the embrace of my heart that you may know love and only love. Know that Jesus communes with us for the River flows as one. 

To know this Tabernacle is to know I am the mother of Jesus for I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am that flows with the Lifeblood of my Son, the Savior of all of mankind. Come and be at peace within this embrace. Be of the joy that is here. Taste the peace that is deep within you with no matter the ways of the noise.

The quietness within your heart is of the peace as promised by Jesus. The newness of the empty space deep within you is the growth and expansion of your soul, my child. You cannot understand this space as of yet for it is new and unknown. 

Know that even as it may seem unknown it is of Jesus who makes space for the new, where the old is being shed, for it serves you no longer. The old has no more place in your walk within the world for you walk with Jesus in relationship now. 

The space within you is emptied of the old and as you await the new, know that the peace is always there. Fear not and take heart for your heart and soul are expanding to take in Jesus all the more and more. It is not by words that you shall know this expansion but by the greater peace that replaces the old. The fruit of this expansion is deeper relationship with Jesus and more and more of His peace.

You are giving up the ghosts of the old and awaiting the new. The ghosts of the old await the new that you may be expanded in love and only love.