The Opened Core Within Finds its Source

 Janine, come and be known. You are my child. I comfort you, hold you, nurture you and show you the graces of the River of the I Am for God has given us this Tabernacle that you may come to and find us in the holdings of love and only love. You are slowed here where you hear, taste, smell, see and touch all in an expanded way for this is the way of the River of the I Am.

To be expanded is to know with all of your senses that God exists and is true with love and only love. I show you the way of your entrance at this Tabernacle. You take the breath of expansion and open yourself to this Tabernacle. You place your hands here at this Tabernacle and you freely take me in with the yes of your heart and soul.

You are expanding each new day all the more and more. The taste of my nurture is of the mystical where you are graced to take me into your depths. You take in the Light of Jesus that shows His love within us in all things.

Your yesterday gave you the view of the expansion within you for you could not have seen what you saw and tasted what you tasted had it not been for the expansion of your heart and soul.

Your heart saw and gave witness to the core of another open to finding the "Source" deep within. You were tempted to judge the other, but did not for Jesus showed you the way to see from the love and only love of the River of the I Am. You gave witness to love and only love within the relationship where to be seen and heard and not judged opens one's heart and soul to its very core.

When your core opened it was in the same way for it was an explosion that rose from your core that gained you access to the depths of your heart and soul. 

All that is needed right now is to ponder this lesson. It matters not what opens the core. What is of matter is that the core opens in the safety of the love and only love of the sacred witness.  Let those with ears to hear, hear.