The River of the I Am flows deep within Each Soul

 Janine, I call you by name that you may know I love you and know you in all parts and ways. Rather than hide, you now open all that you may come to me at this Tabernacle emptied and opened to my nurture and filling. I fill you and renew you that you may be of my heart when we walk into the world.

To give my love and receive my love love is to be opened of heart and soul where the flow of giving and receiving is known and tasted and seen. My love knows no limits, my dear child

 I am your mother and my love is endless. Our mother's hearts cannot be undone nor made smaller by those who deem themselves judges of what we have.

There are those who wish to dim or destroy what we have for they see only from their own dimness and blindness.  To open oneself to what is in the heart is to begin to open to Jesus for as scripture says, if you are not against me you are for me.

Many of my children are confused and ask for proof of Jesus and God. We walk to show that Jesus and God reside deep within themselves where the truth and Light of Jesus reside.

We teach the way to the inner world of the seed within. The seed within knows its God for the two were once one. God has placed His seed within each child. 

All carry the seed of God deep within where, when opened, opens to the truth of Jesus and Eternity. The River of the I Am flows deep within each soul.