Jesus is Offering You Your Inheritance
Janine, my child, I welcome you here at this Tabernacle. This Tabernacle is upon holy ground for it is of our Father and God that we have this Tabernacle. You give justice to this holy space by your humbleness and attention to your soul. We give back to God what is God's by our communion of mother and child.
Your dream of being in a different time and space that is other than your worldly life but is also a part of your life has shown you the ways of Jesus. I show you the way of your dream that you may have understanding.
As the youngest you were being given a great sum of inherited money from a king which is counter to the heritage of kings for you are not the eldest and and you are not of great lineage.
Janine, my child, the dream is of you and Jesus who is giving you the inheritance to the Kingdom. You are in relationship with Jesus and being asked if you want to take the journey to gain the wealth that awaits you.
The dream also showed you the way of relationship with Jesus which is very different from the way of the world. The handsome young man who offered you this inheritance was the young man called Jesus. It was Jesus who asked if you wanted to travel with Him. The only confusion came when you awakened to think there was another man in your life, My child, there is. His name is Jesus. He came to you to show you He is with you in this world as well as the other world of the mystical. Jesus promised you this inheritance is in the happiest and most joyful place for all of humanity.