Jesus turns Your Burdens into Joy

 Janine, my child, come and be of the lightness of the River of the I Am where we commune in the gentleness and lightness of the River of the I Am where the heaviness of the noise cannot be. Your night has gained you the awareness that Jesus makes light of all of your burdens.

Your dream showed you the way of Jesus and the River of the I Am. You were of gratitude and surprise that you could carry the heavy load of your beloved. You carried him with great love and realized you could carry him with the lightness of no weight upon you.

As you carried him you knew that love and only love has made your burden light. You realized that you could carry your love for him and hold him into Eternity. This is the way of giving all burdens to Jesus who makes light your burdens. The burdens become joy for what was feared as heavy has become light. 

Come and walk with me and Jesus in the lightness of our walk for Jesus carries us and makes perceived burdens joyful. In this way Jesus turns your burdens into joy. Let those with ears to hear, hear.