Jesus Your Savior and Jesus the Man

 Janine, my child  you have placed yourself before this Tabernacle with the choice of your whole being. You take no matter of the noise. You take matter to come to me and ask only to be with me. I hold you and take you into my heart as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where I mother you with the all of me.

To be so emptied of wants and desires is to open to this inch and moment only. Your heart knows me and your heart knows its God. Your heart knows Jesus in intimacy.  Your daily yes to Him makes it so. To hear His soft voice deep within you is to know Him. To taste what He tastes is to know Him in intimacy for you taste the ways of His heart that has wept and bled for you. You taste His tears that weep for others. 

In the days to come you shall weep with Him and you shall taste more of His tears. You shall see the love that is beyond the human. You shall taste the promise of His peace even within the pain for the two are not broken from each other. The two walk as one for to taste the pain of Jesus for others and to know the peace of His promise is to be in intimacy with Him. You are coming to know Jesus your Savior and Jesus the man.