Open Your Soul to Its Timelessness

 Janine, my child, it is of gratitude that I am here to be with you. I taste your love and want to be here. I do not judge. I do not nag. I await you in the ways of love that allow us to be mother and child. 

The roses at my feet symbolize this love. The roses at my feet show God's love that has been bestowed upon me. The roses you placed before my feet symbolize your love for me. 

Love between us cannot be destroyed for we shall be in love and only love together forever. God's ways do not take matter in the time of the world. God's ways are far beyond time. We are mother and child forever. 

You are beginning to see time as not of matter for your soul knows it shall go on forever. The spirit within you shall never die. I nurture those parts that are of the Earth for your walk upon the Earth is of great worth. I nurture your heart and soul that are forever for we are mother and child in the forever. You are of great worth. All of my children are of great worth.

The fruit of your opened soul shows you the timelessness of Eternity. Our walk upon the Earth has awakened you to the timelessness of forever.  We walk in the gratitude of the yes of Jesus who has cemented our forever.