The Daily Journey of the Yes

 Janine, my child, take note of how your body lets go and how you are of the breath of this Tabernacle. In the instant you place yourself before this Tabernacle you are taken into my heart. How great is our Lord and Father for giving us this place and space to just be in the depths of the River of the I Am.

Within these depths the world takes on a different hue.  Within these depths we flow in love and only love with no matter the ways of the world on the surface of the River of the I Am.

I remind you of your first yes. I show you the first time you touched this Tabernacle and trusted it. I show you the first time we held each other and entered the depths of the River of the I Am where you were able to take in love and only love with no boundaries.

I remind you of the first time you felt wholeness that made naked the little one called Faith.  I show you the way of the sacred witness that gave witness to your opening. I give you view of the explosion that opened you to the Source, our Savior, that emanated from within your very soul where Jesus and the truth abide.

Janine, you could never be here within these depths without that first yes. To grow your heart and soul in such ways is a daily journey of attending to your soul where each day grows you more and more. The journey home to the Source begins with the first yes and must be nurtured. 

To not attend to your soul stagnates you. To attend to your soul grows you with more and more life.  Let those with Ears to hear, hear.