The Darkness that Holds Much Noise

 Janine, my child, I wish you a good day today. Come and be of this Tabernacle that shows you the ways of my love. Come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where love and only love flows.

Your body speaks to you. Your heart speaks to you.Your soul that communes with me and Jesus speaks to you for all is held within. The Kingdom of God is within. The River of the I Am flows and extends out in all directions for this is the way of God's Love. 

Your fears now only show themselves upon your awakening during the night and just before dawn for this is the weakest point in your day. Upon arising these fears fade into the darkness. Joy rises up within you as the day rises for you come to me and attend to your heart and soul and body.

Janine, when you awaken in the night, fear grabs at you for it is of the noise that seeks to look ahead at the day that has not yet risen. The noise says to you that there is a need to worry about the day ahead for you cannot predict it. Do not give the noise energy. Rather, seek my holding and the soft voice of Jesus.

Yes, it is hard for the noise is hard. Yes, it is fearful for the noise causes fear. It is the hardest part of the day to hear me and Jesus for the noise is loud. 

Now that you are here and the sun has risen, the noise is gone for you are in this moment and space where the noise becomes weak and cannot grab at you. You have done the work of your soul that knows the noise cannot own you.

When the noise awakens you in the night, know that Jesus and I are with you with no matter the fears of the noise. Seek only to be in the inch and moment and the noise shall lose its energy.  Rise up from the bed if the fears snare you and the noise shall lose its energy. The noise wishes you to feel you are captured in the darkness of the night but you are not.