The Great Lesson of the Life and Death of Jesus

 Janine, my child, come and as you place yourself before this Tabernacle know my heart loves you with a love that emanates from the River of the I Am where love and only love is the guide to its depths. Come and let us descend into its depths where the freedom to just be flows forth from. 

Today finds you with another day to be of love and only love. Today we shall walk with Jesus from the view of the River of the I Am where each day flows in the solitude of soul. This solitude of soul allows the River to just take us where it needs to rather than fight the flow of its peace and faith and trust.

To fight the flow of peace is to attempt to control it. To fight the walk with Jesus is to deny Him. To make your choices with Jesus in this flow of inch and moment without a need to attempt to control or predict or make wants and desires your God is to see and taste Jesus in intimacy.

To fight the flow of the River of the I Am and its peaceful depths is to fight a war on the surface of the River where you are swimming against the current of your own soul. Your walk with Jesus is showing you the peace of His promise. Your walk with Jesus is showing you His pain of the wars on the surface of the River and is not of its depths of His peace. You are being shown the great lesson of the life and death of Jesus.