The Kingdom Resides Within Your Soul

 Janine, my  child, come and enter this Tabernacle where I take you into the depths of your own soul that is of the River of the I Am. Let us commune in the love that flows  here. Taste my love. Let us listen to the music of your soul that is of your design.

Do not fret, my child, for I am here with you and for you. Let me hold you for you need to know you are never alone. You are being filled and prepared for the day by your attendance to this Tabernacle. Your soul knows me and knows Jesus. Your body knows the love that is deep within you for it knows the beauty of becoming whole. Your spirit knows the truth and now your body and spirit are becoming more and more whole each day.  

Man is now freed from the bonds of sin by the life and death of Jesus. The price has been paid for all of mankind. Janine, as we walk today, take in the price paid for you and all of the Earth. Witness to the ways of evil that shall one day fall to the power of love and only love. Witness to the beauty of God's love upon the Earth. 

Witness to all. You need not hold it, my child. You need only witness to it for we walk in the ways of Jesus who gave His life to witness to all of mankind. He walked the Earth to show the way to the Kingdom that resides within each soul.