The Pure Joy of Wholeness

 Janine, my child, your childlike excitement to see the new day is of the deepest part of you. It is the little one called Faith. She comes to be held and filled and loved and playful. To be whole in this way is to taste this love, excitement and playfulness. 

To dance as you did in your yesterday awakened the joy of just being and allowing the music to play that you may dance of body and soul. 

The little one called Faith is what Jesus spoke of when He said, "Let the little ones come to me." You come to me in the wholeness that allows the child within to seek Jesus and me in the nakedness of pure joy rather than the heaviness that holds those of the closed hearts. 

Today, my child, we shall take the time, once again, to dance and sing and be of the pure joy of being opened and naked and whole.  We shall also walk with others in their heaviness and show the way of being whole that others may come to have wholeness where pure joy abides. Let those with ears to hear, hear.