The Secret To True Peace

 Janine, come.  As you place yourself before this Tabernacle know that we become one in communion with Jesus and all of the River of the I Am. Love and only love graces us in this way for you are of this Tabernacle and you are of the River of the I Am.

Today may seem of the ordinary but it is not.  It is another day to give and receive love and only love. You open yourself into your depths of your own being where in nakedness you give and receive love and only love.

Love and only love has no judgments upon another or judgments upon God's love for another.  Love and only love seeks to witness only with no judgments. Love and only love knows the peace of Jesus that emanates from the soul. 

To love and only love in peace is to be in this inch and moment only where relationships present themselves and where God's love is seen and tasted.  When you are not in the inch and moment with fantasies or attempts to control the future much is missed for the opportunities to witness in the moment cannot be. 

My children suffer much for they cannot be with themselves or others in the beauty of the inch and moment before them.  Rather, the many of my children seek to predict and control in the hopes of catching and owning peace.

Peace cannot be controlled or owned for control by its very nature holds tightly with worry and angst and not peace. To know the true peace as promised by Jesus calls for a letting go and allowing His peace to be felt rather than trying to grab it.  To remain in this inch and moment and allowing all to unfold rather than attempting to control is the secret to true peace. Let those with ears to hear, hear.