Be Attentive to Your Very Depths
Janine, my child, put down all that you may enter this Tabernacle. Do not fret the ways of the noise for what is clanging around you is noise. Come and open the joy and peace that is within you in your deepest parts for they are in communion with Jesus and me. To be opened in such depths is to taste that deep love that causes joy and a peace that is beyond the surface noise.
To know Jesus at this depth is to know you are safe. To taste Jesus at this depth is to know love and only love flows between you and Jesus and all of the River of the I Am. You are never alone.
Janine, my child, do not get yourself caught up in the tininess of the noise that causes chaos on the surface. Rather, my child, walk with Jesus and me in the attentiveness of your depths where peace and love and only love emanates from.
You do well to be of attentiveness to your very depths for there within your depths is your soul that knows God and the ways of the River of the I Am for the two were once one. Let those with ears to hear, hear.