Communion Between Souls is Far Beyond Words
Janine, my child, I welcome you here with no matter the day or time. Come and be held and taste the freedom to just be in the nakedness of solitude where you join me in the depths of the River of the I Am.
What has your yesterday taught you? I give you view of the witnessing that saw much grace for hearts and souls were opened. When you witness to one child at a time your souls can commune for the sacred witness holds dear the relationship that the child before us may taste safety and open its soul.
What the outside world may see has little to do with what the inner world of the soul sees. You were able to hear the soft voice of Jesus teach you how to engage the soul of another in deeper and deeper ways.
You are learning the language of the soul where it invites the other to join in the communion that is far beyond words. You are learning that souls at times use no words to communicate for the communion between souls is far beyond words.