Expose your self righteous ego
Janine, my child, come and know that there is no anger or judgment here. There is no disappointment in you. The noise wishes to make it so but love and only love abides here. Come and feel the peace that flows here. Come and taste my love that feeds you. Come and hear the soft voice of Jesus that communes with us.
The noise wishes to judge for the noise holds the egos of the many that say judgment is of the righteous. I say to you that it is not righteous to judge. To claim righteousness is a misguided self righteousness embedded within the ego that seeks to be above God.
The world has birthed the misguided self righteous ego. The hypocrite called the self righteous ego must be tamed and shown that it cannot be above God.
The self righteous ego loves to do its bidding outside of your awareness and wraps itself up in the 'good" feeling of "being right." This feeling of being right is saying to God that you have the way and the truth when in fact you are a hypocrite.
The ego is as the man of the scriptures who stands and exalts himself before God and others. To expose your self righteous ego is to humble yourself before God. Let those with ears to hear, hear.