The Language of the Soul Teaches the Mind
Janine, my child, it is time. You come to me in the timing of each day that we may become one in the communion of our hearts here within the River of the I Am. In this time and space you and I are moving into the depths of the River of the I Am where our hearts are joined in a holding that is of God's design.
Take in this special time for it shall fill you and prepare you for the day. The beauty of this time is of the grace of God. Jesus is with us in this holy space for He is deep within your very depths. Taste Him within this communion. All we have and all we do is with the holding of Jesus.
Take note of the way in which words flow up from the depths of your being where I and Jesus abide as well as all of the yes. Take note of the way in which the mind does not attempt to take control. From your depths is the truth and the way. The mind is the receiver from deep within your depths. The heart and soul initiate the awareness and the truths of your very depths.
The language of the heart and soul teach the mind a different language. It is the language of the soul that uses taste and touch and scent and hearing to express words rather than words attempting to feel for the mind cannot own what the heart and soul own. The mind can be a part of but not the initiator from within your depths.
Let the Living Waters flow openly through you where you don't bang up against the walls of the mind and noise. Allow the knowing to rise from within your depths and the mind shall follow.