The Way of Trust and Prayer
Janine, my child, I welcome you to this Tabernacle. Over these years you have come to me in the humbleness of your heart. I fill you with my love and my attention and holding. This Tabernacle was once fearful for you knew not the ways of the mystical. Over these years you have come to trust what we have.
The mystical has been opened by your yes to me and to Jesus. I rejoice with you because you now know that what we have is forever. The small miracles of Jesus have shown you what you have with Jesus.
As we walk and witness to my children, we walk in the grace of prayer for each child witnessed to becomes a prayer. When you love without the ego that demands your attention,that attention is given in witness and becomes prayer.
When you can leave the noise and the ego behind, you become of prayer for prayer is the witnessing to what is before you with love and only love. Prayer is the want to see as Jesus sees for it is by His hand that all is accomplished. Jesus is showing you the way of trust.
I make it simple, Janine, for the River flows in simplicity. Love is prayer. To walk and love with Jesus is to be of prayer for He shows you what to pray for. Trust in what you know within your very depths and that is your prayer is being acted upon before your mind can produce the words. Trust, Janine, trust.