Trust in Jesus Who Answers Your Prayers
Janine, my child, I call you by name that you may know I hold you in regard. I hold you in love that holds and builds and never tears down. I hold you in a hold that is gentle and with a flow of love that has no boundaries. Take in the flow between us. Take in the flow with Jesus. It is Jesus' peace that flows through us.
In your yesterday Jesus showed you the flow between you and He and the beauty of no boundaries. Each breath was shared in the intimacy of love and only love. Jesus showed you that He takes upon Himself your prayers and that He knows your prayers before you pray them. When you pray you must come to trust you are being heard and that your prayers are being answered.
Just as my face was given you but not in the form you expected, you must trust that your prayers are being heard and answered but may not be in the form you expect. I watch over you and yours as Jesus does. Your prayers are being heard and answered.