Your Tears Speak Loudly
Janine, my child, I am here and I am pleased that you attend to this Tabernacle. We commune here within the River of the I am. As today rises, we move into the depths of the River where you are held and nurtured. Let go of yourself that you may be with me and where you hear and taste me.
Today, you ask that this Tabernacle not be about you. You ask that it be about others. I hear you, my child, but this cannot be for this Tabernacle is of our special time and space. It is fear that speaks to you because you feel unworthy. This Tabernacle makes you worthy. The River of the I Am makes you worthy.
Come and as I fill you, you shall be renewed in love and only love. What is of worry for you is what you wish to not speak of and yet it must be spoken of. You cannot place yourself before others in the way of the sacred witness until you are renewed to do so. You give yourself over to me that I may fill you. We shall walk into the world to fill others soon enough.
Your tears speak loudly, my child. They say you are in pain. Come and be with me and let me soothe your pain and fear and worry. Come and drink and take in my love that you may know you are not alone in your pain and fear and worry.