Jesus Fills the Solitude Within You

 Janine, my child, come and take in the love and peace that is here for you. Take in the flow of love that reaches all parts of your entire being. There is no war or fury here, just peace and love.

Today is anew with the great love of the River of the I Am. The day is anew with the soft voice of Jesus that calls you to relationship with Him. Let His peace flow deeply into the belly that opens your body to Him. Hear His soft voice emanate from deep within where your soul abides with Him.

You hear me and write my words. You hear Jesus and abide with Him that you may know Him in intimacy. Your night knows Him. Your day knows Him. 

This time and space is of you and me for we are graced with this Tabernacle. Love graces us for we are mother and child by God's hand.

Jesus shows us the way in each inch and moment. Let us be still and allow Him to commune with us in the solitude of the depths of the River of the I Am. You cannot find Him on the surface. He is found within these depths within your soul. What may appear to be void of anything is everything for Jesus fills the solitude with Himself.