Learn to Listen to Your Soul

 Janine, my child, I call you by name that you may take in this Tabernacle. This Tabernacle is here for you and for all of my children. You have listened and heard. Come and be fed with my heart and my nurture. What we have we prepare to give to others.

What you have gained has opened you to much grace for your soul is taking in all that is offered you each day. Your attendance to your soul has gained you access to the River of the I Am. 

It matters not where you enter the River. What is of matter is that you enter with the yes of your heart and soul.  As you move deeper into the depths of the River each day, you gain all the more and more of the beauty within these depths.

Janine, my child, you gain these depths by paying attention to your soul where you firstly begin to listen to that which is within your soul. As your soul moves deeper into the River you expand. You cannot get to this depth without learning how to listen for to know Jesus at this depth you have learned to listen to His soft voice within your very soul.

To learn to listen is to open that which is of the River of the I Am. To learn to listen is to learn to join the solitude of your soul where Jesus presents Himself. Let us bear witness to the need to learn how to listen to that which is deep within the soul that my children may hear the soft voice of Jesus in intimacy