Prayer Releases The Holy Spirit to Touch Souls

 Janine, my child, come. It matters not the day or time that you come to me.  What matters is that you attend to your soul. Here within this Tabernacle your soul is expanded that you may take in my heart and the love and attention of Jesus.  We flow as one within the River of the I Am.

Take in the air that is sweet  here. Take in the beauty of your own soul here for it is naked and expanding with love and only love.  You cannot be made smaller here for all your senses are being expanded that you may take in all the more and more of the River of the I Am.

Janine, my child, why is it that you are here?  I ask you why that you may know I hear you without words being uttered.  I hear your heart speak of love for me. I taste your love for me. I taste your love for my Son. Your prayers are being answered, my child, for as Jesus has shown you, the ability to turn over to Him what is not yours is prayer for it releases His Holy Spirit to touch more souls.

 You are in intimacy with Jesus for you listen to His soft voice that comes from the depths of your being,  Be with Him as He flows with us and through us. His peace flows through your veins. Taste the peace that is far beyond the noise.